irioCoreCpp Library Module  2.1.0
IrioCoreCpp Errors
Collaboration diagram for IrioCoreCpp Errors:


class  irio::errors::IrioError
 Base IRIO error. More...
class  irio::errors::TerminalNotImplementedError
 Exception when terminal has not been implemented in the profile. More...
class  irio::errors::ProfileNotImplementedError
 Exception when a profiel is a valid one, but has not been implemented yet. More...
class  irio::errors::ResourceNotFoundError
 Exception when a resource (Register/DMA) is not found. More...
class  irio::errors::FPGAVIVersionMismatchError
 Exception when FPGAVIVersion is not the one expected. More...
class  irio::errors::UnsupportedPlatformError
 Exception when the platform read from the FPGA does not match any of the supported ones (See platforms.h) More...
class  irio::errors::UnsupportedDevProfileError
 Exception when the DevProfile read from the FPGA does not matches any of the supported ones or if the profile is not supported by the platform. More...
class  irio::errors::InitializationTimeoutError
 Exception when InitDone is not ready within a specified timeout. More...
class  irio::errors::CLUARTTimeout
 Exception when a timeout occurs in a CL UART operation. More...
class  irio::errors::CLUARTInvalidBaudRate
 Exception when the baud rate read is not a valid value. More...
class  irio::errors::ModulesNotOKError
 Exception when the modules installed in the platform are not the ones expected or the FPGA inform that there is a problem with them. More...
class  irio::errors::RIODiscoveryError
 Exception when an error occurs while searching for the RIO Device. More...
class  irio::errors::RIODeviceNotFoundError
 Exception when the specified RIO Device is not found. More...
class  irio::errors::NiFpgaError
 Exception when an error returns from a NiFpga_* function. More...
class  irio::errors::NiFpgaErrorDownloadingBitfile
 Specific error when an error occurs while downloading the bitfile into the FPGA. More...
class  irio::errors::NiFpgaFPGAAlreadyRunning
 Specific error when NiFpga_Run return that the FPGA VI is already running. More...
class  irio::errors::DMAReadTimeout
 Exception when a timeout expires while trying to read a DMA. More...
class  irio::errors::BFPParseBitfileError
 Exception when an error occurs while parsing the bitfile. More...
class  irio::errors::UnsupportedAICouplingForModule
 Exception when trying to set an invalid AI coupling mode for a module. More...

Detailed Description